
This is my brother and his wife’s company and they make TONS of awesome stuff! PLEASE CHECK IT OUT! See below or go straight to MINDJUNKET.COM or at their Online Store at zazzle.com/mindjunket.

Prepare your Junket, and your Mind…

These items are all hand made and are made from materials that are recycled. Every effort is made to keep the process as green as possible.

Mind Junkets, expressed on many mediums and in many forms. There are many items in common, to be sought out on your journey ‘tween. For example, most of these Junkets have a key, and a matching keyhole. This is not always true of course, some have none, some have many. First and foremost, enjoy your Mind Junket!

“King Bowser
One of the first mind junkets distributed to friends. Can you find King Bowser? (TOP RIGHT IMAGE)

The First Didgeridoo

White 1 1/2″ schedule 40 PVC, round braid synthetic leather carrying strap, re-used chess piece base for pendant,
sharpie for designs (and clear coat protectant). Burned and bent with application of flame*.

*I would not recommend burning PVC, it is very toxic.

Detail of lower end.

Mind Junket Creations

Full size prints (on re-printable mediums) are available for purchase, please contact us (mindjunket@gmail.com) for more information!

“Seed of Eden”
Planetary seed spawning the universe. Colored pencil, crayon, marker on recycled paper.

Re-used plexiglass carved with dremel tool. Sorry for the poor picture, it is a gift to my little brother and we were on the way out the door to see him.

Like what you see? Check all this out and more at MINDJUNKET.COM or at their Online Store at zazzle.com/mindjunket.

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