Rugby: A Sport For Moms (and Mamas)!

Last week I stumbled across a really cool and very special rugby team. They are called “The Mamas,” and they are a traveling club which was founded in July last year and is composed exclusively of mothers, who despite having one or more children still play actively in rugby.

This, for those who do not know it yet, is a combination not too common. Women, for various reasons, tend to give up their sport, when you create a family, unlike men. If this is usually due to the fact that most of the care and attention for the children comes from mothers, it is also true that this idea is deeply rooted in our society and culture.

The “Mamas” want to change this idea, showing the world that you can still be moms and athletes. The Mamas, with lots of little ones in tow, officially debuted on July 27 at Stockholm 10s, an annual tournament held in Sweden, where after defeating the Oslo Rugby Klubb (48-5) and the Enköping Damer (5-10) the Mamas have surrendered to the strong English side of Teamlink Boudiccas (5-33).

The team consists many women from different countries such as Sweden, Germany, France, England and Holland.

Learn more about “The Mamas” on their Facebook page here.

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1 thought on “Rugby: A Sport For Moms (and Mamas)!”

  1. The Mamas are going for the Dubai 7s and this time round the team has players from Germany, Sweden, Columbia/Sweden, Uganda, Italy, Australia and USA.  All continents except Asia are represented on The Mamas and there is still space for an Asian mama on the team still.


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