Late Post….Monday's Training

Work was crazy again so I made it upstairs and did a few sprint work-outs between customer and clients. I did 2 minutes of warm-up on the elliptical and then did 10 minutes as fast as I could. During commercials I tried to speed it up even more, because commercials really are the devil.

I only got to do that once…and that could be a good thing because seeing a crazed rugby player giving it to the elliptical should not be seen more than once in a day. Throughout the day I tried to get into the kickboxing room to do random pushups, pullups, some small weight lifting and plyos.

You would think that since I work in a gym it would be SO easy to work out here…but since I work at the gym almost everyday, I don’t really want to work out here. I go upstairs in workout clothes, head phones on…and still clients want to ask my questions about their accounts, when this machine is getting replace etc. Its frustrating.

So tonight I am trying to decide if I want to do sprints or get another long distance run in. I feel like my long distance is pretty good and I should be working on my speed. I know I need to keep doing pushups and every sprint will have an up-down in front of it. I need all the upper body strength I can get!

Be safe all. Keep training!

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