Guest Blogger #3 is Holly Iker representing the University of Oklahoma Roses and the Western rugby Union . This guest blogger is a very special one. She has served many functions in my life…teammate, coach, roommate, friend, legal advisor, and so much more.

One of my favorite memories of Holly is at the New Mexico High Desert Tournament about five years ago. Our team was backed up on the try-line and the ball carrier advanced toward me, even before I could start the tackle Holly picked me and the other girl up! The try was held up…she’s awesome and has always had my back.

(The first picture is the Roses last year when we blew the hatch off the West, getting 2nd at Western Collegiates. The second pic is Holly and I watching a rugby match.)


When you CIPP register with USA Rugby, you are automatically covered with third party liability insurance. This coverage provide two types of protection.

First, you are covered if you injure a third party during the course of a rugby match. For example, if you kick the ball into touch and it injures a spectator, you are covered.

Second, you are covered if you cause any third party property damage during the course of a rugby match. For example, if you kick the ball into touch and it damages the property of a spectator, you are covered.

It does not cover ANY intentional injury to persons or property.

It does not cover player versus player injuries.

This coverage is automatic for all clubs and individual members who are CIPP registered with USA Rugby and in compliance with the rules and regulations of USA Rugby. There is NO additional cost for this coverage.

It is important to remember that this coverage from USA Rugby does not provide any medical coverage. If you are injured, you must file a claim on your own medical insurance. You are required to have at least $100,000 of individual medical coverage when you register with USA Rugby.

Why should you care about this coverage? What are its benefits? If you are playing matches or practicing at a public facility, most places will require a certificate of insurance coverage BEFORE you can have any event. If you were required to obtain this type of insurance through a private insurance company, it would be at a substantial expense.

USA Rugby will provide up to 5 such certificates to each club. Additional certificates can be obtained from USA Rugby for a nominal fee.

Coaches, referees and administrators are also covered if an injured player tries to sue them for injuries sustained during a match.

If a player is not CIPP registered, they are not covered. If a non-CIPP player is allowed to play or if you play a team that is not CIPP compliant, you will most likely forfeit your coverage. Without this coverage, you could be held personally liable for any third party damages to persons and/or property.

When you are renewing your CIPP registration for the upcoming year, remember the insurance coverage you are being provided. When it seems like the cost of CIPP registering is always increasing, remember the insurance coverage you are being provided. It is worth it. How can you afford not to be CIPP registered?

For more information regarding the details of this coverage (policy limits, certificates, etc.), please contact USA Rugby directly or look at their website (

This guest blogger, Holly R. Iker, is a licensed attorney in the State of Oklahoma. This blog submission is intended for informational purposes only and should NOT be considered as legal advice. If you have any legal questions arising out of any rugby-related damages to persons or property, please consult an attorney.

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