Coming to you LIVE….

Coming to you LIVE…from my gym…and TYPING WITH TWO HANDS! Hell yes baby!

Sadly, yes I am at work. We are a little short-staffed this week and I figured I would help out and bite the bullet and work a Saturday. GASP…all you M-Fers…I know. Some people do work on the weekends. And hell, rugby is out for another two weeks or so, why not make some extra money?

Nothing really rugby related to blog about this morning…I could blog about one subject, but that would involve way to many curse words, mainly about the damn schedule. Love the WEST! Thanks guys!

So back to the hand…I know you’re dying to hear about it. I will have pics up soon. So my hand didn’t atrophy that much, but is of course very stiff. I am going to physical therapy next week for my first visit. They will be making me a stiff plastic splint, my doctor was funny…”So you can play rugby!” I neglected to tell him that I play scrumhalf and that having a hard plastic cast over my index and middle finger will basically negate me from playing. Not to mention the hard part of the cast…pretty sure that’s illegal.

And they gave me a temporary splint to wear until my PT appointment, pretty sure I haven’t worn it once. How am I supposed to be getting stronger if I’m stuck in a splint? So yeah, supposed to be wearing that thing for like half the day. Oops!

So in the land of Austin, TX, more specifically South Austin Gym…drinking some Starbucks and eating a banana loaf. I hope you all have a wonderful day!


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