Doc Appt, Physical Therapy and Bruising…

It is dreary and cold in Austin today, highs in the 30s and almost sleeting. Blech. I moved to Austin for the warmth and the sunshine! I guess I can’t complain too much because some people haven’t seen 60 degrees in a few months. But still I moved here for the blistering heat, I love it!

Went to the doctor on Tuesday for my first check-up since surgery. The doctor was amazed that I was walking so well, had minimal swelling and had more than usual mobility. Since I have been down this road before, I know what to do. Ice, ice, ice, elevate, elevate, elevate and do your exercises. The doctor pretty much said I was a rock star and to keep it up.

At the end of the visit I got my staples removed, I have never had staples before, so I was a little nervous. The nurse pulled out the sterile package with the staple remover in it and I laughed out loud. It was just a fancy staple remover, like the one I have in my desk drawer at work! So she removed the staples (just felt like a weird twisting feeling, sent a shudder down my back!) and I was on my way.

I am released to do low-weight bearing leg press, elliptical, bike, mini-squats (no weight yet) and anything else I can do without pain (except run, jump and play rugby). Woohoo! Now I need to get back into the gym!

Yesterday I had my first physical therapy session. Again, since I have done this before the appt was pretty short as I did my quad sets, leg raises, Jane Fonda’s (hip exercises), stretches and bike time. The bike this time around was a lot easier. I remember from my first surgery that I had to really work and sweat to get that first time around the pedals. This time around mobility doesn’t seem to be a factor though. After the workout I got iced and compressed down and went on my way to work.

This morning I started to notice that the bruising is really starting to show up on my calf and ankle. Interestingly enough its not the usual yellow and green drainage type of bruising. My leg just looks like it is dirty (I took a shower!) and the bruising is very grey. Maybe it will keep changing colors, but this is good because it means that most of the swelling is ending! The pictures don’t really show the grey bruising, but whatever. The second picture kind of shows the grey but it mostly down towards my ankle…but my calf is all grey in real life!

So all in all, I am kicking this ACL recovery/rehab in the a$$! The doctors all agree that I am making really great progress and so I look forward to the next step. The goal is 6 weeks straight line running and jogging! I could be running in a month!

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0 thoughts on “Doc Appt, Physical Therapy and Bruising…”

  1. Awesome news! Glad to hear the rehab is already ahead of scheduled.

    Typical rugby player. When there are games to play, you heal faster.

    Keep up the good work.


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