Guest Blog from TrueFitness: Closed Chain Exercises

The human body is one long kinetic chain. This means is works as energy is transferred from one body part or joint to the next. It works best when we allow our body to incorporate multiple movements at one time. Combining these movements in proper order is known as sequencing. When we properly sequence our movements we generate and increase our power through our body’s closed kinetic chain. Using our total body can substantially increase our power potential and athleticism. Increasing our power and athleticism increases our performance as well as increases our chances of winning. Closed kinetic chain exercises need to be our focus for the reasons of developing proper sequencing, improved performance and improved athleticism.

Think of your body as a simple chain and all your joints are links in the chain. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Your body is only as strong as its weakest link. In order for the chain to remain strong it needs to be strong at all of its links. All of its links rely on the other links to remain a strong chain. Your body as a chain needs all its joints to be strong and be strong at all times through all movements. Closed kinetic chain exercises allow the body to endure and react to the stresses of sport so that the joints strengthen and become sufficiently reactive to the stresses of sport and therefore becoming strong through all movements.

Sequencing is the proper coupling of joint movements so that they react and move in the proper order. Power is generated from the ground, floor or support structure beginning in the toes to ankles through the knees into the hips and up through the spine. This is the proper sequencing during a closed kinetic chain exercise. Choosing closed kinetic chain exercises during training allows us to perfect our sequencing and be more athletic in the process. When we perfect our coupling and sequencing the body becomes more instinctive and natural allowing for improved athleticism.
As athletes we need to focus on closed chain exercises. Now what are closed chain exercises and why must we focus our training on doing closed chain exercises? Closed chain exercises can be defined as any exercise in which are feet are in contact with a support structure. Usually that support structure is the ground but can be a bench, box, pad, or any other surface that we place our feet on while doing an exercise. Squats, Jumps, Lunges, Power Cleans, Snatches and High Pulls are all closed kinetic chain exercises. Closed kinetic chain exercises are what as closely as possible mimic the sequencing, movement, position, speed and athleticism of sport. This follows the specificity principle of training. Remember that as athletes we want to become more athletic and improve our sports performance. Specificity states that we want to train as close to our goal as possible. Closed chain exercises are inherently closer to athletic ready movements than any other exercise and therefore should be a major component of our training program.

We as athletes make sports performance our main and only goal when designing our exercise programs. Closed kinetic chain exercises will most help improve our athleticism and get us game ready. Making closed kinetic chain exercises are training priority is the only way to train as an athlete.

Anyone in the San Diego area is welcome to drop in at our studio at 2949 Garnet Ave. 3rd floor, Pacific Beach, CA. We would love to put you through our workout. Please feel free to call or email Spencer Aiken,CSCS (951) 296-7993

Article written by Spencer Aiken, CSCS, CEO, TrueFitness

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