Guest Blog from Nick Thomas: Rugby World Cup Apps

Rugby world cup 2011 smartphone applications
The rugby world cup is officially the 3rd highest watched sporting event in the world after the football world cup and the Olympics. Over 4 billion people tuned into the 2007 world cup in France from 238 countries, an even more incredible set of figures will be recorded this year.
We all have hectic schedules and as much as we would love to; will never be able to watch each and every match. Whether the reasons are work, social engagements or time zones; we are all on the lookout for ways to make catching games or getting info easier.
In steps the smartphone. Advancements in smartphone technology and the adoption rates of such devices has meant app development houses have gone crazy. Yes there are some truly horrible and brain numbing apps available, but there are also a fair amount of brilliant time saving and helpful ones.
We have scoured the marketplace to bring you the best and most useful rugby world cup 2011 apps. From news and scores to local knowledge each app mentioned below will in some way make watching and following the world cup easier:

  1. Rugby World Cup 2011 Tracker

The most downloaded and seemingly comprehensive app available for the tournament. This app really will keep you up to speed with with all the goings on pre, during and after the tournament. Already packed full of info including; teams, stadiums, referees and of course fixtures. There is however a planned update prior to the first game which will facilitate live updates, a fantasy mode and the ability to share amongst your social network.

  1. Rugby News

It sometimes doesn’t pay to put all your results and news eggs into one basket, which is why we recommend adding the Rugby News app in addition to the RWC 2011 tracker app. Get differing news opinions and fill any gaps left by the other application, this way you will have a complete overview of the tournament. The Rugby News app will also prove valuable after the tournament as it cover all international club rugby as well.

  1. Rugby Trivia

Most of us will watch at least one of the RWC 2011 games in the company of our friends and family at home or in the pub. This typically means there will typically be a greater requirement for rugby based knowledge. The Rugby Trivia app contains over 200 questions related to your favourite contact sport. Brush up on the questions yourself and impress your friends or use the app to make half-time’s disappear.

  1. Discover New Zealand

Whether you are heading over to New Zealand or sitting comfortably at home staring at the beautiful scenery, learning a little about the host country will make you appreciate the tournament even more. If you are heading to the southern hemisphere, this app will give you all the information you need; from hotels to outdoor activities being a tourist will instantly be made that little bit easier.

  1. Google Translate

This app is probably more useful to those lucky individuals heading to New Zealand, but it still has amazing everyday functionality. With 20 nations making the finals you are sure at some point to meet people with whom communication is a struggle. Write or speak into your smartphone and this app will amazingly translate it into over 40 different languages, even speaking it back so that those you are communicating with can hear. It also facilitates two-way dialog by allowing the person with whom you are speaking to answer back in their language; translating it back to English – a real conversation starter.

  1. TV Listings

Whether you are going to watch the whole game or you need to set the recorder; knowing which channel is showing a game could mean the difference between 0 point s and 7. Games are often switched between channels and networks, plus the time difference won’t help at all. The TV Listings app allows you to browse listings remotely, set reminders (not that you will need them).


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