You read Your Scrumhalf Connection, what do YOU want to read about?

So I’m taking a page from one of my favorite CrossFit blogs, Katie’s Mindless CrossFit Ramblings and asking my readers who they are, what they want and in general trying to get a feel for my readers. Using my StatCounter website counter I can see how many of you are visiting my page, where you are from, but I don’t really know WHO you are and WHAT you want.

So I am going to ask!!

What do you want to read about in regards to Women’s Rugby?

Who do you want to read about? High school rugby, club rugby, the Women’s National Team etc?

Do you want more videos? More photos, less silly articles?

So now that I have asked a few questions, here is my vision for the evolution of my blog:

1) Guest Bloggers – I want to open up my blog to guest bloggers, I want to know what YOU really think, feel and want. Have a rugby thought, idea, photo, video? Email it to me and I will post it, even better want to write a guest blog?! Email it to me and I will post it!

This blog has evolved in many ways since it started 2 years ago and I want to keep that theme going. I have always envisioned it as somewhere you could find tournaments, schedules, scores, news and more…but lets really take this blog out for a spin! All it takes is an email and we can go for a spin!

And I am trying to think of a cooler name than Guest Blogger, what about Guest Rugger? And this doesn’t mean you write once and I ignore you, want to write about your team every week? No problem!

2) Calendar – I have been working on the calendar for some time now, but now that I am so busy in my life I don’t have time to add everyone’s schedules myself. For awhile teams were emailing me their schedules and I was posting them, but that was too much work. We need somewhere where everyone can post their own schedule, scores, write-ups and more…so lets use this blog!

I will write html, use Google Docs, Google Calendar (already have a calendar started!), anything out there as long as YOU will post scores, updates, schedules etc.

3) Ruckosphere – Remember when Blondie came up with the Ruckosphere? (or did she just promote it? I can’t remember!) Let’s use that idea and really work together to find Women Rugby Bloggers as we all have something unique to say.

I am not trying to be the best, biggest or coolest Women’s Rugby blog, I am merely trying to have a common meeting place that we can all come together for the things we need and want.

4) Videos – As technology gets better and more affordable teams will begin taping their matches, wouldn’t it be great to have a place that those videos could be hosted and easily accessed? I would love to create a Youtube for the rugby world, and this blog could be the beginning of that!

5) Photos – Along the same lines, photos are what we all want, and we could do some archiving of events etc.

6) Tournaments – While the calendar is great, a place to search for US Tournaments would be great!

7) Fitness – I am obsessed with fitness, so I really enjoy learning new techniques, workouts etc…I would love to blog about fitness more!

8) Position Specific – This could be a great venue for position specific situations etc, everyone wants to learn to pass better, but what about correct technique for scrumming? Could be great!

The possibilities are endless here, but I do need some help from the outside world…have an idea or a thought, drop me an email or leave it in the comments. Let me know if I am off my rocker, but I really would like to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Oh and I welcome the negative (only makes me stronger!), hate my blog? hate me? Tell me why and maybe you will have spurred a change for the positive!

Also keep an eye out, I purchased a domain the other day, this blog will soon be moving to!

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7 thoughts on “You read Your Scrumhalf Connection, what do YOU want to read about?”

  1. Wendy,

    I read your blog because I like it the way it is. Your ideas are great and I look forward to what you come up with. I don’t have a specific interest in women’s rugby, just rugby in general, and I like your coverage, news, and links. I also enjoy your blog because of the personal side that you include; like hearing about you, your knee, trials and tribulations, and all that. Keep up the good work.

  2. Wendy, I’m stoked that you are taking a page from me and using it to send your site in a positive direction. Awesome! I will put my two cents in if you’d like. I’m not good at following charts and numbers and teams. But I do love to watch rugby. Doesn’t matter who it is, I can get sucked into watching a game. I’d def stop by frequently to check out some vids if you have ’em up. But you know, just my mindless two cents…. 🙂 I hope that you get lots of resonses and you can take your site in the direction you’d like! 🙂 Keep bloggin’! 🙂

  3. I absolutely LOVE your blog, and I will try to remember to post my teams schedule and points next year!!

    I think it is great that you volunteer your time to keep the rest of us informed. The least we can do is volunteer to help you once and awhile!

    Thank you!

  4. i like to read about your adventures with your dog, and i enjoy your spotlights on the austin womens team.

    you post often and that is helpful as well. i have you in my google reader and so i get your updates right away.

    keep it up!
    sally mcenright

  5. Thanks to all my readers and thanks to those who commented! I received over 20 emails with ideas, thoughts, opinions…keep ’em coming!


  6. Sorry just saw this post today Wendy! I fell in LOVE with your blog about a month ago, you found me on facebook!

    Thanks for posting and staying on top of Women’s Rugby in the USA.


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