CORRECTION: Experimental Law Variations – Clarification Law 17.5

So a notice today went out about a verbage clarification on Law 17.5 for the new ELVs from USA Rugby…and when I read the subject of the email I was secretly hoping that this meant that USA Rugby was not going to abide by the new ELVs.

I know, I know, I haven’t played under the rules yet, so why am I complaining? I can’t help it, they just seem err different and not all of them will help the sport of rugby, at least in my opinion. But I may change my tune after I play under the laws in September.

Seems like everyone is talking about, here are a few of the most interesting articles/blogs I found out here:

The Voice of Reason (and he’s Australian) (Total Flanker)
A funny thing happened when I pulled that maul down… (Total Flanker)
ELVs will pull up the grassroots (Planet Rugby)
ELVs Caused Trouble (Sporting Life – Rugby Union)
Talking ELVs (IRB)
ELVs. Deadly dull – but could change the game you play (Letchworth Girls Rugby)

Some more resources/funny stories on ELVs can be found here:

Also Total Flanker has a hilarious bit (Rugby – for Aliens!) about the new ELV laws that is definitely worth a read!

Also Hail Pelicus weighs in on the injury risks of the ELVs, many people were afraid that the new mauling and rucking laws would increase the injury risk.

Need some video examples highlghting a few of the the new ELVs? Check out an older post I had written that has several good Youtube videos!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, here is what the email really said:

Attention USA Rugby Supporters and Administrators:

Per the attached memo from the IRB, please note that there was an error in the wording of the ELV Law 17.5 circulated to Unions after the Annual Meeting of Council 2008.

The correct ELV Law 17.5 reads as follows:

17.5 Successful End To A Maul
(b) A player may pull a maul to the ground providing that player does so by pulling an opponent in the maul down from the shoulders to the hips.

*NOTE: It is not legal to drop a maul by pulling down a teammate.

Please disseminate this information to all referees, clubs and societies throughout your respective TUs and LAUs.

Thank you,

Inspiring America to fall in love with Rugby
Ashley Voss | Communications Coordinator | USA Rugby

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0 thoughts on “CORRECTION: Experimental Law Variations – Clarification Law 17.5”

  1. I am very curious as well…this could and more than likley have a HUGE impact on everyone’s upcoming fall seasons.

    As a new referee myself, it will be a huge mind shift for a few of the rules.

    It will be interesting all around!



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