2010 WPL Season Kicks Off – YSC Continues Partnership with USA Rugby

Welcome to another Women’s Premier League Rugby Season! I have just received the schedule from USA Rugby and am really excited about the matches this year. Time will tell if any of the players from the 2010 WRWC will be playing with their teams and that should make for some really exciting games.

The unique partnership with USA Rugby and YSC will continue this year and YSC will be doing weekly match reports again. I will also be helping teams upload their weekly videos and will post them here when they become available. The match reports will be available on the blog by Monday after the match and the videos should be available by Tues/Wed of the next week. You can view the videos on the blog when they are posted, or directly at the YSC Video site. I am looking forward to working with the same group YSC Reporters but I may need to ask for more volunteers.

View the schedule below and don’t forget you can view all of the scores from 2009-2010 on the Scores page.

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8 thoughts on “2010 WPL Season Kicks Off – YSC Continues Partnership with USA Rugby”

  1. Thanks for being the only place to find results and standings for the WPL. You’re doing us all a great service. I hate to be critical but you might want to double check the math on the PF and PA. The numbers from the results section don’t add up. It also seems like the total team points either haven’t all been updated or the math is fuzzy. Thanks again for all you do.


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