Guest Blog from TrueFitness: Together Everyone Achieves More (T.E.A.M.)

Rugby is a team sport and we at TrueFitness believe that the sports performance training should also be undertaken as a team.  Results will be substantially improved when athletes train with teammates instead of individually.  Why?  The competitive nature of athletes will push each individual farther, improving the workout.  At TrueFitness we believe wholeheartedly in the T.E.A.M approach.

Together Everyone Achieves More.  It’s not just a slogan – it’s a core belief at TrueFitness.  We want to encourage the competitive nature of athletes and use it to propel them beyond their current abilities.  We believe that everyone should workout in a group to increase performance and accelerate improvement.

When team members struggle together, they build team character and camaraderie.  The workouts we do at TrueFitness are a struggle (to say the least!), which helps to improve the dynamics of the team.  A team that struggles together comes together and the T.E.A.M. approach helps that process.

When you workout out alone, you have no one to help push you.  You may listen to music and think that helps keep you going, but studies prove that listening to music does not improve performance.  So, essentially, all the motivation comes intrinsically and even the most motivated person in the world can have a ‘bad day” or below average day, as far as intensity goes.  With the T.E.A.M. approach and the extrinsic factor of competition as a motivating factor, the dip in intensity is eliminated.  Intensity will be maintained, if not increased, throughout every workout and the results will be achieved at a greater rate and at a higher outcome.

With the T.E.A.M approach, we all benefit.  Everyone is a part of our team, from the 16-year-old baseball player to the 70-year-old grandmother.  Everyone works together to help each individual achieve his or her goals. When we work together, we all achieve more – and that helps to improve our performance on the field, pitch, court and the streets of sport and life.

For more info and education on sports performance training be sure to check out our group page on Facebook, TrueFitness Performance Conditioning.  You will learn valuable lessons to be your best and improve your athleticism.

Anyone in the San Diego area is welcome to drop in at our studio at 2949 Garnet Ave. 3rd floor, Pacific Beach, CA.  We would love to put you through our workout.   Please feel free to call or email Spencer Aiken,CSCS  (951) 296-7993

Article written by Spencer Aiken, CSCS, CEO, TrueFitness

Edited by Clarissa Constantine,

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